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Make sure your child is aware of his/her own learning style

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Make sure your child is aware of his/her own learning style

We have different ways in which we learn. Some learn by doing things whereas some learn by hearing and others visually. One’s learning styles comprehend all these but as individual we learn effectively and/or some ways are more preferable. Approaches in which we learn may vary in terms of pace and suitable environment as well. During the class activities, group works and combine studies. We could observe and hear, some people read out loud and are more into the time scheduled. Some need time to warm up and start with their work and like to take short breaks in between.

The learning related problems are usually observed as lacking concentration, difficulty managing time for study, difficulty reading and writing, scoring lower than expected  feeling of nervousness and anxiousness during test, difficult retaining what is learned etc. Such problem could occur due to various reasons. Therefore, along with the emotional aspect, it is also necessary to view the problem in different aspects. Which also include nature of his/her learning style and potential, as the ways of learning is the basic fundamental skill.

Most of the time as the solution to this, people tend to practice more, revise and try out different ways of learning, refer to other resources and consult with friends and teachers and so on . Under such situation, people seem to be motivated to do better. But, at times it’s anxious and frustrating to make frequents attempts and failing even after that, not knowing what is the problem, getting negative feedbacks and so on.  This could lead to lack of self-motivation and willingness to do better. Worse is the scenario where one quit and or thinks that one cannot do better.

We use the learning skills to conduct our day to day activities. Therefore, it would be of great help to be aware of our own learning style. It is even better if we are aware of this at early stage of life where one could experiment and explore new things. Step by step, as children grow up could derive the control over their skills and be more confident in using it.  This could apparently help to be aware of one’s strength and potential of learning style and could learn in the way one understands and feels more comfortable. This definitely doesn’t mean the individual would need to stick to his/her way of learning only and could only learn in same manner. As it is the skill, after being aware of once strength, he/ she can subject it to developing and modifying skills as per his/her preference and need.


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