
A best thing in your life
is to be happy

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Do you have any of these problems?

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Do you have any of these problems?
  • Difficulty falling asleep, waking up suddenly, sweating, having bad dreams often
  • Feeling hopeless, dissatisfied, irritated generally
  • Don’t feel like talking to anyone, have lost of interest in things
  • Often have pain in different parts of the body,  symptoms of which are generally vague, may have been to many health workers but have not been helpful
  • Feel dominated, left back, affected due to not being able to say “no” to others
  • Feeling angry and difficulty managing the anger
  • Awkwardness or difficulty dealing with new people, new environment and new places
  • Feeling lost, confused
  • Having difficulty adjusting into the work space and working in collaboration with others
  • Struggling to maintaining relation with relative and friends,  which may have raised misunderstandings and inter role conflict
  • Your children refuse to go to school, gets upset often, shows impulsive behaviors, do not get along with friends , struggling to keeping up with studies
  • Fear, anxious, recurring memories of bad events, difficulty concentrating
  • Have suicidal thoughts frequently
  • Worrying, loss of appetite
  • Not trusting other or difficulty trusting others


Any one could experience these problems or similar other problems at any point of their life. Such problems are caused due to many reason psychological, medical and so on.  When we have physical problems we seek for treatment and help. Such problems could also be cured and/or managed. Therefore it is important to seek for the professional help timely.

The list here is not for diagnostic purpose, rather is here to promote the wellbeing, bring about awareness of their state and available help.

If you are searching for help or any information relating to this, you could contact us in the following address. Our services are conducted in the safe and secure environment.

“Seeking for help and Searching for solutions is part of the problem solving”


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